Victoria Grizzlies give back to MFRC

Victoria Grizzlies Military Night

Peter Mallett Staff Writer ~

Esquimalt’s Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) is getting ready to score on a Victoria Grizzlies power play. 

The Junior ‘A’ hockey club recently announced a new partnership that will see the community-based non-profit as the sole beneficiary of fundraising efforts for its Military Appreciation Night on Jan. 25 game against the Cowichan Valley Capitals. The club is offering reduced ticket prices of $10 for all military and DND employees with $5 from every ticket sold for the game going to the MFRC. Tickets can be purchased through their website and the box office at the Q-Centre in Colwood. When purchasing through the website choose military/senior rate for the discount.

The new partnership and other fundraising initiatives surrounding the game were finalized after discussions between MFRC Community Engagement Manager Lisa Church and Grizzlies President Lance Black.

“It’s wonderful that the club is reaching out like this to both the MFRC and the military community. Their level of support is very impressive and heartwarming to see,” said Church.

Church noted there are other ways her organization will benefit from the event including being the beneficiaries of the team’s traditional game-night 50/50 draw.

Grizzlies players will also wear specially designed uniforms for the game, which will be auctioned off to the highest bidders following the game. The black and gold jersey was created by the team’s graphic designer Ty Didmon and features a navy frigate on the front.

The MFRC will give one lucky registered youth hockey player, under the age of 18, a chance to participate in opening-game warmups with the Grizzlies. Interested players can fill out an application form available at the MFRC’s headquarters on Signal Hill or the Colwood Pacific Activity Centre (CPAC) until Jan. 17. The lucky winner will be announced on Jan. 21.

The Naden Band will also be involved with on-ice activities and will perform O Canada prior to the opening faceoff. Other events on the night include a family-oriented pre-game tailgate party being organized by the MFRC and sponsored by Quality Foods Langford, and an onsite selfie booth where participants can dawn military, police and fire department helmets and equipment.

For more information or to purchase tickets for the game visit the Grizzlies’ website:

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