Abandoned bikes will be confiscated

A view of the over-crowded bike storage area at Nelles Block. Due to a new base policy to address the parking space shortage, bikes that are left in bike racks for a period of longer than 60 days are subject to tagging and removal. 

A view of the over-crowded bike storage area at Nelles Block. Due to a new base policy to address the parking space shortage, bikes that are left in bike racks for a period of longer than 60 days are subject to tagging and removal.  Photo by Peter Mallett, Lookout.


Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~

If you left a bicycle parked in the bike racks at Naden for over three months, the security team at Nelles Block may have the answer to your question, where’s my bike?

Since the implementation of a new policy by Sgt David Brand, Base Accommodations Barrack Warden Sergeant, accommodation staff have been tagging and removing abandoned bikes left at the Nelles Block and Bernays Block residences for longer than 60 days.

The new policy came at the request of the Base Commander’s office in an attempt to address the build up of abandoned bicycles in valuable bike rack spaces for commuting cyclists.

Once removed, the bike is photographed, the serial number recorded to ensure it isn’t stolen, and then locked up in storage. If the bikes aren’t claimed within a 90-day period after their seizure, they are donated to charity.

Sgt Brand says the lengthy holding period is to accommodate sailors who may be deployed at sea and forgot to remove their bike from the rack before they left.

So far, 16 bikes have been removed from the Nelles Block bike rack, held for six months, and then turned over to charity. Eleven bikes were recently removed from the Bernays Block bike rack and put into storage.

“Many people still aren’t aware of the policy change concerning abandoned bikes despite signage at bicycle racks and in ­storage rooms alerting people to the problem, so we are trying to get the word out,” said Sgt Brand. “If you think you may have one of these bikes, I encourage you to stop by my office in Nelles Block and have a look at our inventory.”

An instructional booklet about the new policy has also been posted at four locations in the Naden accommodation buildings. It contains photographs of recently seized bikes and information on how to get your bike back. 

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