Step up and show us your Pride




Early June typically kicks off the Pride season of festivals and celebrations from coast to coast that run until the end of August.

Participation with, and in, Pride celebrations is one of the ways the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) show their respect to our team members from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and 2-spirited (LGBTQ2+) communities. More importantly, it embodies the principle of inclusivity that is key to success in everything we do.

This year, despite COVID-19, we will not be deterred as we, in a safe and respective manner, celebrate and show our individual and collective Pride.

The entire Defence Team is committed to the Canadian ideals of diversity, inclusion, and respect. By embracing diversity, we draw on all of the unique strengths and abilities of Canada’s population, which enhances our operational effectiveness. Inclusivity unites all of us as one team, and Pride celebrations are a reminder of how diverse we are and how we garner strength through diversity.

Sharing our Pride gives us unity of purpose, making each of us better as people and more relevant as an organization that reflects Canadian values. Whether it’s raising a flag on bases or wings, celebrating from home, virtually or abroad, we want you to show us your Pride 2020 in June and throughout the year.

As part of your individual or group celebrations, we ask that you submit your photos and messages or quotes to: +Internal Communications internes@ADM(PA)@Ottawa-Hull. All photos must be accompanied by: sender’s name, email, contact phone number, and rank, if applicable. Please use your email address, if possible, or alternate email address.

Also include a brief caption that describes the photo and includes the location/date the image was taken.

A gallery of images will be created for all to access and share, which will be featured across our Defence Team communications platforms and all social media accounts.

Pride events celebrate diversity and the LGBTQ2+ communities, acknowledge their history and achievements, and continue the focus on fostering the rights and recognition that LGBTQ2+ Canadians deserve.

The road that led us to this point has been a long one. By continuing with our many diversity initiatives and goals, we continue to get stronger and more effective while ensuring we value what is most important to us – our people. Show us your Pride by showing off your rainbow colours. Deadline for photo submissions is Aug. 31.


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