The first of many poppies
By Lookout on Oct 29, 2012 with Comments 0

PO1 Suzanne White of HMCS Algonquin had the honour of presenting the first remembrance poppy of 2012 to B.C. Lieutenant Governor Steven Point on Oct. 23 at Government House.
The first poppy of the year was presented at a small ceremony at Government House last Tuesday.
PO1 Suzanne White of HMCS Algonquin was on hand to present the poppy to the Honourable Stephen L. Point, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.
“It’s an honour for me, as the Queen’s representative, to receive the first poppy in remembrance of all that veterans have done, and are doing, for Canada,” said LGov Point. “Veterans are a different kind of person. Despite their tremendous service they’re humble, down to earth, and don’t put on airs. I get so much from just being around them.”
The poppy signified the beginning of the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Campaign. Each year the Legion distributes millions of poppies, which are worn on the lapel to recognize the sacrifice of past and present military members.
Shawn O’Hara, Staff Writer
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