Pacific Fleet Club reopens to cheer and camaraderie

Junior Ranks members of the Pacific Fleet Club celebrate the official reopening on Aug. 15 at CFB Esquimalt. Photos supplied

Junior Ranks members of the Pacific Fleet Club celebrate the official reopening on Aug. 15 at CFB Esquimalt. Photos supplied.

Jazmin Holdway, 
Lookout Newspaper 


After months of anticipation and dedicated preparation, the doors to the Pacific Fleet Club (PFC) Junior Ranks Mess at CFB Esquimalt finally swung open again on Aug. 15, marking the end of a prolonged closure and the beginning of a new and improved space for members. The reopening sparked excitement and relief among members and staff, who have worked tirelessly to ensure a safe and successful reopening.

The official reopening saw more than 200 members in attendance, pizza in-hand as they arrived to see a newly improved space, brand new furniture, a reopened bar, and Swift Brewery handing out samples for all to enjoy.

“The reopening was a tremendous success, and the feedback from the members was overwhelmingly positive – they were delighted to finally be back at the PFC!” said Master Sailor (MS) Ingeborg LeClair, President of the Pacific Fleet Club Mess Committee and Formation Master Sailor of Maritime Forces Pacific/Joint Task Force Pacific. “It was an all-hands-on-deck effort to meet that reopening date, but we made it happen.”

The closure, which lasted eight months due to an infestation of rodents, left a noticeable void for Junior Ranks on base, especially those living in accommodations. While MS LeClair and mess staff made efforts to keep the spirit of camaraderie alive during this time, reopening the PFC provides members with a welcoming space to connect with one another, enjoy meals, and socialize. 

Members of the mess are not the only ones excited for its reopening.

“Personnel Support Programs is incredibly happy to see the Pacific Fleet Club re-opened,” said Heather Catte, Senior Manager, Personnel Support Programs (PSP). “The closure impacted the ability to maintain some of the bar staff, so from that perspective alone, it’s great to see the doors open and the bar providing service again so the PSP Mess staff can all return to work and provide a full level of service to the Junior Ranks membership.”   

The building closure also sparked new opportunities for the Mess to collaborate with other units and community vendors to provide opportunities for members to participate in a variety of activities outside of the PFC, including paddle boarding and rock climbing.

“While the facility was closed, the PSP staff that remained providing services to the Junior Ranks did an amazing job of problem solving and finding creative ways to support the largest mess membership in the Formation and even utilized the building’s wonderful patio to provide activities for the membership to attend outdoors and have a social outlet,” said Catte.

The mess will now continue to provide free coffee on Mondays and Tuesdays at 1000 and will have one ‘TGIT’ and ‘TGIF’ event each month, in addition to Karaoke Thursdays. MS LeClair is open to suggestions on how to make the PFC even better.

As President of the Mess Committee, MS LeClair was incredibly excited to see the PFC open again.

“Being part of the reopening was a special experience for me, and I hope the membership can recognize the dedication and hard work invested to make it happen,” said MS LeClair. “I understand that the PFC closure was felt by many, but I strongly encourage everyone to come and see the improvements we’ve made. I’m dedicated to creating a welcoming space for all, and I’d love for you to experience the changes firsthand.”

The reopening marks a new chapter for the PFC and with it, a renewed sense of unity among all in the Junior Ranks who call it home. Bravo Zulu to all involved in the reopening!   

Members are encouraged to regularly check the PFC Instagram and website for the latest updates on events and hours. There is also a QR code on the front door of the PFC that can be scanned anytime for information. Members can also reach out to with any questions or concerns.


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