HMCS Regina at high readiness

HMCS Regina Sea King

The dive team of HMCS Regina conducts operations from the ship’s Sea King helicopter in the South China Sea.

HMCS Regina completed its last set of mission specific workups and achieved high readiness in the Pacific Ocean waters east of Guam while en route to its deployment on Operation Artemis.

This achievement was the culmination of months of pre-deployment training. High readiness means a ship is capable of conducting the full-spectrum of combat operations.

“Our deployment demonstrates the Canadian Armed Forces’ capability to support our allies and gives Canada an opportunity to operate within a responsive international force,” said Cdr Dan Charlebois, Regina’s Commanding Officer. “It also increases the RCN’s capacity to execute any number of missions, including humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, counter-terrorism, regional military engagement, and international diplomacy.”

HMC Ships undergo a period of sea training to either achieve standard readiness or high readiness. Standard readiness means a ship is capable of conducting core naval training and executing assigned Canadian Armed Forces continental and expeditionary missions that do not entail the possibility of high intensity, full spectrum combat.

Regina’s mission work-ups were tailored to the specific operational scenarios and potential threats that the ship may encounter during Operation Artemis. Mission work-ups included enhanced navy boarding party training with greater emphasis on flag verification boardings and contraband search and seizure techniques, as well as Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear training at sea. The ship’s company also underwent cultural sensitivity training to improve their ability to interact with the many diverse countries, cultures and people they will encounter.

“Regina achieved mission high-readiness due to the outstanding dedication, hard work and positive attitude of the ship’s company,” said CPO1 Janet Graham-Smith, Regina’s Coxswain. “They took each challenge in stride and did whatever it took to get the job done.”

Op Artemis is Canada’s contribution to Combined Task Force 150, a multinational maritime task force combating terrorism across the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Oman. As part of this multinational force, Regina will work alongside coalition partners to promote security, stability and prosperity, in an area that spans over two million square miles and encompasses some of the world’s most important shipping routes connecting the Far East to Africa, Europe and North America.

-Lt(N) Mark Fifield, Op Artemis PAO

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