Message from the Minister of National Defence
By Lookout on Oct 27, 2014 with Comments 0

A pilot climbs aboard his CF-188 Hornet aircraft to take off from CFB Bagotville to take part in Operation Impact on Oct. 23.
On Oct. 23 at 3 Wing Bagotville and 8 Wing Trenton, approximately 140 personnel from Canadian Forces Bases and Wings across Canada deployed on their mission to Southwest Asia in support of Operation Impact.
In light of recent events, I am proud and thankful that our Canadian Armed Forces’ men and women stand courageously for peace and stability. Their resilience demonstrates our values internationally.
Canadian Armed Forces contribution to coalition operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) includes approximately 600 personnel, including members already working with Americans in an advisory and assistance role by providing strategic and tactical advice to Iraqi security forces and aircrew support elements, such as command and control and logistics.
Our contribution also includes, six CF-188 Hornet fighter aircraft, one CC-150T Polaris aerial refueller to support coalition air operations and two CP-140M Aurora surveillance aircraft to provide reconnaissance
We will not be intimidated.
More than ever, we remain committed and determined to work with our allies and partners around the world to fight against the terrorist organizations to prevent the spread of terror and
Honourable Rob Nicholson,
Minister of National Defence
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