Author Archive for Lookout Production
The Lookout Newspaper can trace its history back to April 1943 when CFB Esquimalt’s first newspaper was published. Since then, Lookout has grown into the award winning source for Pacific Navy News. Leading the way towards interactive social media reach, we are a community resource newspaper growing a world wide audience.
L’application Memory Anchor recueille les récits des personnes ayant servi dans l’armée
Élève officier Laura Lascelle Autant l’Aviation royale canadienne (ARC) a embrassé son avenir lors des célébrations du centenaire de cette année, en utilisant une application de réalité augmentée, des expositions numériques, des expériences de cockpit en réalité virtuelle et des […]
Memory Anchor app collecting stories of those who served
Officer Cadet Laura Lascelle — As much as the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) has embraced its future during this year’s centennial celebrations, using an augmented reality application, digital exhibitions, virtual reality cockpit experiences and flight simulators to showcase the organization’s rich history; so, too, has the remembrance of our fallen soldiers benefitted from advancing […]