RSSAuthor Archive for Lookout

The Lookout Newspaper can trace its history back to April 1943 when CFB Esquimalt’s first newspaper was published. Since then, Lookout has grown into the award winning source for Pacific Navy News. Leading the way towards interactive social media reach, we are a community resource newspaper growing a world wide audience.

Retired Naval Reservist honoured for saving HMCS Haida

Retired Naval Reservist honoured for saving HMCS Haida

DND–– Former Naval Reservist and friend to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), Retired Lieutenant (Naval) Peter Ward was honoured for his efforts saving part of RCN history. Lt(N) Ward is the final surviving, founding member of Haida Inc., a group of five who saved the “fightingest ship”, the Second World War Tribal-class destroyer HMCS Haida, from […]

Mess Manager Pens Novel

Mess Manager Pens Novel

Adam Arbiter, 22 Wing CFB North Bay Mess Manager, has always had a passion for writing. For years he struggled to finish a story until he discovered one he really wanted to tell. Emily NakeffBorden Citizen–– His debut novel “I’m Here” tells the story of Garret and Simon, two soldiers that fall in love while […]

Sculptor's work celebrates ancient virtues of soldiering

Sculptor's work celebrates ancient virtues of soldiering

Peter MallettStaff Writer–– For artist Allan Harrison, the three-dimensional art of sculpting strengthens the connection between the natural world and humankind. By using wood or clay, elements found in nature, he creates effigies to that relationship, one that goes back to ancient times often revealed through devotional icons. “For me, sculpture is the most effective […]