RSSAuthor Archive for Lookout

The Lookout Newspaper can trace its history back to April 1943 when CFB Esquimalt’s first newspaper was published. Since then, Lookout has grown into the award winning source for Pacific Navy News. Leading the way towards interactive social media reach, we are a community resource newspaper growing a world wide audience.

Transgender Day of Remembrance – Nov. 20 Continue the steps toward inclusiveness

Transgender Day of Remembrance – Nov. 20 Continue the steps toward inclusiveness

Defence Team Pride Advisory Group–– Transgender Day of Remembrance is an annual observance on Nov. 20 that honours the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. It was started in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honour the memory of Rita Hester, a […]

Active summer/fall for HMCS Sackville

Active summer/fall for HMCS Sackville

HMCS Sackville, Canada’s Naval Memorial, returned to her summer berth on the historic Halifax waterfront in late June after an extensive hull refit and welcomed—amidst COVID limitations– more than 27,000 visitors. Commander Gary Reddy (ret’d), commanding officer of Sackville reports a number of activities and services were carried out during the summer and early fall […]

79th anniversary of the sinking of SS Caribou

79th anniversary of the sinking of SS Caribou

Joanie VeitchTrident Newspaper–– Barely tall enough to see over the second-level railing at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, eight-year-old Daniel Drover stood riveted to the scene unfolding in the lower-level gallery below, as naval officers and veterans gathered Oct. 14 to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the sinking of SS Caribou. After standing ramrod […]