RSSAuthor Archive for Lookout

The Lookout Newspaper can trace its history back to April 1943 when CFB Esquimalt’s first newspaper was published. Since then, Lookout has grown into the award winning source for Pacific Navy News. Leading the way towards interactive social media reach, we are a community resource newspaper growing a world wide audience.

Base volunteers involved in Radical Renovation

Base volunteers involved in Radical Renovation

Peter MallettStaff Writer–– Six volunteers from Naval Personnel Training Group (NPTG) assisted HeroWorks recent Radical Renovation – the Langford-based Indigenous Perspective Society. With personal protective equipment in place, and tools in hand, they helped in the demolition phase of the project. The preliminary work goes until Oct. 1 and then the Radical Renovation follows with […]

Commemorating Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11 At Sea on Operation Nanook

Commemorating Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11 At Sea on Operation Nanook

Lt(N) Lisa TubbHMCS Harry DeWolf–– In the early hours of a Saturday morning at sea in the Canadian Arctic, while deployed on Operation Nanook 21, several crewmembers of HMCS Harry DeWolf solemnly assembled on the starboard bridge wing to raise a flag to half-mast. It was the Flag of the United States that unfurled in […]

Award hails BLOG team as 'unsung heroes'

Award hails BLOG team as ‘unsung heroes’

Peter MallettStaff Writer–– The Base Logistics procurement team has been honoured for their outstanding efforts in keeping the supply chain up and running during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Procurement and Contracting Division is a user-driven cell that provides procurement and contracting services to Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) and lodger units. Procurement managers and staff were […]