Base promotes health and wellness
By Lookout on Feb 20, 2017 with Comments 0

Rear-Admiral Art McDonald, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC), presents a $385,000 cheque to Eileen Dooley of HealthPartners Canada and United Way of Greater Victoria CEO, Patricia Jelinski at the MARPAC Health and Wellness Expo at the Naden Athletic Centre, Feb. 16.
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~
Over 120 business and community organizations converged on the Naden Athletic Centre Feb. 16 for the 2017 MARPAC Health and Wellness Expo.
The annual expo attracts approximately 1,000 military and DND civilian employees.
This year’s event saw representation from local non- profits and businesses representing health and wellness, recreation, sports, fitness, and outdoors activities, as well as area schools and base clubs.
The expo is hosted by the Lookout Newspaper and the Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) Health and Wellness Strategy Team. Complimentary meals were given to the first 500 visitors for Deadbeetz and Rolling Reef food trucks.
Maryse Neilson, Manager of Health Promotion, says the expo is an important opportunity for the MARPAC community to gain exposure to health and wellness programs and businesses.
“Events such as the expo fit into the health promotion approach and address the pillar of health education and individual and group behavioural change,” said Neilson. “Not only does the expo bring awareness to people of the resources available to them, but the event itself communicates a strong message that MARPAC believes in creating a supportive and healthy community.”
The Expo was also the venue for the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign conclusion of its annual fundraising campaign. This year’s campaign began in September and wrapped up on Jan. 31, 2017. Through a variety of fundraising events and other initiatives this year’s campaign raised a total of $385,000 for the United Way of Greater Victoria, Canadian HealthPartners and numerous registered charities.
During the noon hour, Rear-Admiral Art McDonald made an official cheque presentation to Eileen Dooley, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of HealthPartners Canada, and Greater Victoria United Way CEO Patricia Jelinski.
“Since 2004, through our workplace campaign, we have been a leading contributor to the United Way of Greater Victoria, HealthPartners Canada and countless registered charities,” said RAdm McDonald. “Despite many challenging factors during 2016, we still managed to come together in support of registered charities near and dear to our hearts.”
RAdm McDonald made special note of the more than $33,000 contribution by HMCS Regina and an equally “impressive” effort by HMCS Vancouver that generated over $20,000 of support.
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