All Entries in the "Featured" Category

The Naval Museum of Québec unveils mural
celebrating Naval Reserve centennial
The Naval Museum of Quebec unveiled a mural to celebrate the centennial of the Naval Reserve on June 16.

A boot, an axe and an iPad
Maj MacDonald is a PADI Open Water SCUBA Instructor who works through word-of-mouth to recover lost items in the Great Slave Lake and surrounding areas. He accompanied HMCS Yellowknife’s crew through their namesake visit to Yellowknife.
Une botte, une hache et un iPad
Hélas, le 17 mai, il s’est retrouvé à aider le Major (maj) Jeremy MacDonald, du QG de la Force opérationnelle interarmées (Nord), dans le cadre d’une plongée post-mission à la recherche d’un téléphone cellulaire perdu dans le Grand lac des Esclaves.