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In Photos: Chicoutimi, Grizzlies puck drop surprise

In Photos: Chicoutimi, Grizzlies puck drop surprise

Sam Tilson was surprised with a centre-ice promotion to Chief Petty Officer Second Class by his father, and Commanding Officer of HMCS Victoria, LCdr Eric Isabelle, at the Grizzlies Military Appreciation Game. 

Photo by Peter Mallett, Lookout

In Photos: Pizza party on board HMCS Nanaimo

Esquimalt’s Panago Pizza (Store #29) owner Jason Gray surprised the crew of HMCS Nanaimo last Thursday with complimentary pizzas as a thank-you to the Royal Canadian Navy and the entire Defence Team on base for their good work.

Photo by LS Valerie LeClair, MARPAC Imaging Services

In Photos: New Zealand Minister of Defence visits MARPAC

Le-la-la Dancers welcome the Honourable Ron Mark, New Zealand (NZ) Minister of Defence during a visit to Maritime Forces Pacific Canadian Forces Base, Duntze Head HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt on Jan. 20.