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In Photos: HMCS Ottawa

In Photos: HMCS Ottawa

Able Seaman Matt Trybuch cleans the barrel of the .57-millimeter gun as part of pre-fire maintenance on board HMCS Ottawa during Operations PROJECTION and NEON on Oct. 28.

Photo by Capt Jenn Jackson, HMCS Ottawa PAO

In Photos: HMCS Ottawa

Commodore Angus Topshee, Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific addresses the crew of HMCS Ottawa while alongside Yokosuka, Japan on Oct. 15 during Operations PROJECTION and NEON.

Photo by Leading Seaman Victoria Ioganov

In Photos: HMCS Ottawa

Able Seaman (AB) Talal Sharqawi and AB Shylo Wollf participate in a Naval Communications Flag Raising exercise on board HMCS Ottawa while deployed on Operations PROJECTION and NEON.