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Photo by Corporal Stuart Evans, BORDEN Imaging Services


Leading Seaman Evan Lawrence of HMCS Regina preforms maintenance on the Ships Stabilized Horizon Reference System during Operation PROJECTON / NEON in the East China Sea on June 22.

2019 Base Commander’s Golf Tournament

In Photos: 2019 Base Commander’s Golf Tournament

Jeremy Russell, Brian Empey, and Marty Banks receive the team low gross trophy at the 2019 Base Commander’s Golf Tournament from Capt(N) Jason Boyd. The foursome, with Randy Russell (not pictured), finished at 12-under (60).

Photo by Michael Bayer, FIS Halifax

In Photos: 75th Anniversary of D-Day

D-Day veterans are joined by Gen (Retired) Walter Natynczyk, Deputy Minister Veterans Affairs (left) during the ceremony held at Point Pleasant Park, Halifax NS, on June 5.