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Photo by Cpl Stuart Evans, BORDEN Imaging Services

In Photos: Operation PROJECTION

HMCS Regina’s CH-148 Cyclone helicopter BRONCO dries on the flight deck after a cleaning during Operation PROJECTION in the Indian Ocean on June 4.

Photo by Corporal Stuart Evans, BORDEN Imaging Services

In Photos: Operation PROJECTION

Able Seamen Del Edwards of HMCS Regina’s crew helps clean the exterior of the ship during Operation PROJECTION in the Indian Ocean on May 31.

Photo by LS David Gariepy, MARPAC Imaging Services

In Photos: HMCS Calgary Change of Command ceremony

HMCS Calgary Change of Command certificates are signed. R-L: Cdr Ryan Saltel, outgoing Commanding Officer; Cmdre Angus Topshee, Commander of Canadian Fleet Pacific, and Cdr Jonathan Kouwenberg, Incoming Commanding Officer.