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Photo by LS Zachariah Stopa, CF Combat Camera

In Photos: Operation Projection

HMCS Calgary heave in on a berthing houser as she comes alongside outboard of HMAS Melbourne in Jeju, South Korea during Operation Projection Oct. 12. Photo by LS Zachariah Stopa, CF Combat Camera

Photo by LS Zachariah Stopa, CF Combat Camera

In Photos: Operation Projection

Members of HMAS Melbourne assist HMCS Calgary to come alongside her in Jeju, South Korea during Operation Projection Oct. 12. Photo by LS Zachariah Stopa, CF Combat Camera

Photo by LS Zachariah Stopa, CF Combat Camera

In Photos: Operation Projection

HMCS Calgary conducts Officer of the Watch maneuvers during Operation Projection Oct. 16. Photo by LS Zachariah Stopa, CF Combat Camera