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First Arctic Offshore Patrol Vessel named

In Photos: First Arctic Offshore Patrol Vessel named

The yet to be commissioned future HMCS Harry DeWolf, will now begin a year of acceptance trials before going into active service.

Photo by LS Mike Goluboff, MARPAC Imaging Services

In Photos: Maritime Miniature Unmanned Aerial System

Leading Seaman Meghan Heal showcases the Royal Canadian Navy’s new Maritime Miniature Unmanned Aerial System (MMUAS), a CU-175 PUMA.

Photo by LS Shaun Martin, MARPAC Imaging Services

In Photos: Canadian Leaders at Sea Program

Participants of the Canadian Leaders at Sea Program (CLaS), experience travelling in a Rigid Hull Inflated Boat (RHIB), with the assistance of the Maritime Tactical Operations Group (MTOG) Sept. 12.