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Photo by SLt M.X. Déry, MARPAC Public Affairs

In Photos: BSAH Rhone visits CFB Esquimalt

On Sept. 27, France’s BSAH Rhone conducted a passing exercise with the Canadian Coast Guard.

Canadian Forces Sailing Association (CFSA) Regatta

In Photos: Canadian Forces Sailing Association (CFSA) Regatta

Heidi Leach-Lackenby and her crew in Scooter won four of five races in the sailing competition involving 18 racing teams held in Esquimalt Harbour Sept 22 and 23.

Photo by Cpl Joey Beaudin, 19 Wing Imaging

In Photos: 2018 Great Lakes Deployment

OS Marianne Laroche-Thibault lowers the Canadian Flag as part of the sunset ceremony aboard HMCS Moncton while alongside Québec City during the 2018 Great Lakes Deployment Aug. 3.