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Photo by Corporal Trevor Matheson

In Photos: RIMPAC 2018

A member of HMCS Ottawa conducts sentry duty as the ship prepares to slip from alongside Pearl Harbor to commence the sea phase of Exercise RIMPAC 2018 on July 10.

In Photos: RIMPAC 2018

In Photos: RIMPAC 2018

Leading Seaman Jordon Moehling, Marine Technician in HMCS Vancouver, performs maintenance while alongside Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, July 6.

Photo by Lt. Tony Wright, Navy Public Affairs Officer

In Photos: RIMPAC 2018

Bridge Watchkeeper, SLt Thomas Gray (foreground), and Navigating Officer, Lt(N) Amy Clements navigate HMCS Vancouver as the ship departs Pearl Harbor for the at-sea phase of RIMPAC.