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Photo by Cpl Tony Chand, Formation Imaging Services

In Photos: Operation REASSURANCE

Crewmembers on board HMCS St. John’s participate in a physical fitness class on the flight deck led by Personnel Support Program (PSP) Fitness instructor, Keira Lee, during Operation Reassurance, May 15.

Photo by MCpl Brent Kenny, MARPAC Imaging Services

In Photos: Operation PROJECTION

HMCS Vancouver pulls into the jetty as it arrives at the port of Singapore after its transit from Hong Kong, on Operation Projection Asia Pacific, May 16.

Photo by Cpl Tony Chand, Formation Imaging Services

In Photos: Operation REASSURANCE

Lt(N) Edward Woolley (centre), SLt Jacob Thornhill (left), and LS Graham Langford (right) discuss operations while on watch on the bridge of HMCS St. John’s during Operation Reassurance, in the Mediterranean Sea, May 16.