All Entries in the "2023" Category

Volume 68, Issue 43, October 30, 2023
In this week’s edition of #LookoutNavyNews: Canada’s Three Musketeers: WWII history through art; Oil Spill Response on the ready; CFB Esquimalt members boost Veterans’ spirits; Canada and US come together to on a musical tour; and exploring procrastination, what makes it happen? Read about it here:

Volume 68, Issue 42, October 23, 2023
In this week’s edition of #LookoutNavyNews: HMCS Calgary’s new Commanding Office granted a spatula and the white Stetson, HMCS Vancouver’s hockey team clashes sticks with the Philippines Men’s National Team, Vancouver Island educators get a ‘taste of the Navy’ for a day, Chief Cook reveals behind-the-scenes of Canada’s oldest commissioned vessel’s galley, Two Invictus Games teammates reflect on their sports journey, HMCS Edmonton refreshes core skills and competencies during readiness training and so much more!

Volume 68, Issue 41, October 16, 2023
In this new edition of the Lookout Newspaper, read about Healthy Workplace Month events including Coffee with the Admiral, Harbour Clean-up, and the many more to come! Plus, HMCS Ottawa in the Indo-Pacific, HMCS Nanaimo works with the Coast Guard and one sailor who took Terry Fox’s mission overseas to support cancer research. Read all about it:
Dans cette nouvelle édition du journal Lookout, vous trouverez des renseignements sur les activités du Mois du travail sain, notamment le café avec l’amiral, le nettoyage du port, et bien d’autres à venir ! De plus, le NCSM Ottawa dans l’Indo-Pacifique, le NCSM Nanaimo qui travaille avec la Garde côtière et un marin qui a participé à la mission de Terry Fox à l’étranger pour soutenir la recherche sur le cancer. Lisez tous les détails :