All Entries in the "2023" Category

Reservists ready for wildfire fight
Soldiers prepared to deploy as part of Operation Lentus to help combat several wildfires burning in the Central Interior region of British Columbia. A two-day S-100 Firefighting Course at CFB Esquimalt’s Urban Search and Rescue Training Centre on July 20 and 21 involved approximately 20 Army Reservists representing various branches of the 39 Canadian Brigade Group.

Le NCSM Corner Brook visite sa ville éponyme
Le capitaine, le capitaine d’armes et trois autres membres du NCSM Submarine Corner Brook ont commémoré le 20e anniversaire de la mise en service du sous-marin en visitant la ville éponyme du 25 au 29 juin.

HMCS Corner Brook visits namesake city
The Captain, Coxswain and three other members of HMC Submarine Corner Brook commemorated the 20th anniversary of the submarine’s commissioning by visiting the namesake city June 25-29.