All Entries in the "Lookout Products" Category

Volume 68, Issue 40, October 10, 2023
In this week’s edition of #LookoutNavyNews:
The hardest marathon in the world does not faze this Base Firefighter
Reflections of local youth who lived on Navy ship for a week
A stolen treasure has been returned!
In the wild: another operation under the Canadian Rangers’ belt

Ship To Shore makes big splash at Wurtele
The Ship-to-Shore Industrial Tradeshow replaced the former Industrial Supplier Tradeshow, traditionally held each year in September. Hosted by The Lookout Newspaper, the moment marked the return of the industrial tradeshow staged at the Base since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lookout Newspaper
The Lookout is an award-winning weekly base newspaper. It is the main source of news for CFB Esquimalt’s military members, veterans, civilian employees, and their families. It has a weekly print distribution of 3,000, plus a considerable online reach. Email or call 250-363-3372 to book an ad. See Advertise section for rate sheet.