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Victoria Colonist report of Oct. 17, 1939 listing Midshipman Peter Piddington as missing. Photo: Paul Seguna

A Tale of Two Families Linked by a Naval Sword

LCdr (Ret’d) Paul Seguna, CD, CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum  —  The date of the Thanksgiving holiday this year held a special significance in linking the histories of two Vancouver Island families. On Oct. 14, 1939, just over a month after the outbreak of the Second World War, the battleship HMS Royal Oak suddenly sank […]

Victoria Colonist report of Oct. 17, 1939 listing Midshipman Peter Piddington as missing. Photo: Paul Seguna

L’histoire de deux familles liées par une épée navale

Capc (ret) Paul Seguna, CD, Musée naval et militaire de la BFC Esquimalt  —  Cette année, la date de la fête de l’action de grâce a revêtu une importance particulière en reliant l’histoire de deux familles de l’île de Vancouver. Le 14 octobre 1939, un peu plus d’un mois après le début de la Seconde Guerre […]

Group photo of HMCS Regina’s Naval Electronic Sensor Operators and supervising Officer, taken next to one of the ship’s Harpoon missile launchers off the coast of California.

Bulldogs Away! Mission Success for HMCS Regina

SLt Simon Gonsalves, MARPAC Public Affairs  —  Under the bright Southern Californian sky, sailors onboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Regina participated in Joint Littoral Targeting Exercise 2024 (JoLTEX 24). During this training event, the crew had the rare opportunity to launch two advanced Block II Harpoon missiles soaring over the horizon and far beyond. This […]