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Military Couple’s Novel Brings Humour, Heart, and Humanity to the Page

Military Couple’s Novel Brings Humour, Heart, and Humanity to the Page

Paul Dagonese, Staff Writer  —  When Master Sailor (Retired) (MS (Ret’d)) Elysia Stevens sat down to write Smelling Daisies, she never imagined it would grow into a creative partnership with her husband, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (CPO1) Mark Stevens. What began as a fun project evolved into a novel that’s as much about love, humour, and […]

Le roman d’un couple de militaires apporte de l’humour, du cœur et de l’humanité à la page

Le roman d’un couple de militaires apporte de l’humour, du cœur et de l’humanité à la page

Paul Dagonese, Rédacteur en chef — Lorsque le Matelot-chef (retraité) (Matc (Ret’d)) Elysia Stevens s’est assise pour écrire Smelling Daisies, elle n’aurait jamais imaginé que cela deviendrait un partenariat créatif avec son mari, le Maître de 1re classe (M1) Mark Stevens. […]

HMCS Calgary wins the December Intramural Volleyball Tournament

HMCS Calgary wins the December Intramural Volleyball Tournament

In a five-set nailbiter against Base Administration (BADM), Calgary continues their intramural winning streak, remaining undefeated for the 24/25 season. Congratulations to HMCS Calgary, BADM and all other unit teams who participated in this month’s intramural competition. Intramurals will be returning to CFB Esquimalt with 3-on-3 basketball Jan. 27 –31.