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Lookout Newspaper, February 12, 2024

Volume 69, Issue 6, February 12, 2024

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Restored Muggins wearing John's Union Jack kerchief. Photo: Peter Mallett, Lookout

Muggins, the historic pooch, remembered and restored

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer —Muggins, the First World War Red Cross fundraising dog which got lost and resurfaced around Victoria over the past century, has finally concluded his journey. The iconic taxidermized purebred Spitz captured national headlines in 2022 when Captain (Navy) (ret’d) Paul Jenkins, Red Cross historian, revealed that Muggins, who had been hidden away in an […]

Restored Muggins wearing John's Union Jack kerchief. Photo: Peter Mallett, Lookout

Muggins, le chien historique dont on se souvient et que l’on a restauré

Peter Mallett, Rédacteur en chef  —  Muggins, le chien collecteur de fonds de la Croix-Rouge de la Première Guerre mondiale qui s’est perdu et a refait surface autour de Victoria au cours du siècle dernier, a finalement terminé son voyage. L’emblématique Spitz de pure race taxidermisé a fait la une des journaux nationaux en 2022 lorsque […]