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CFAD Rocky Point

CFAD Rocky Point sends ammunition donation to Ukraine

Kateryna Bandura, Lookout Editor — Wooden pallets sit amid 26 ammunition magazines on a chilly November morning at Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot (CFAD) Rocky Point near Metchosin. Each pallet contains 42 rounds of 76-millimetre naval ammunition waiting to be loaded on an unmarked military 18-wheeler to make their way to Bedford, N.S. There, the Canadian Materiel […]

(Left) Paul Addison, Victoria Curling Club President, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Currie, Canadian Forces Health Services Pacific Region Surgeon, Paul Rober, Sportsman League President, Keith North, Doug Butler, E. David Hodgins and Ross Nichols, St. John Ambulance members, and James Keogh, Victoria Curling Club General Manager, gather for the award presentation at the Victoria Curling Club, Dec. 16, 2023. Photo: Don Allan

Pacific Region Surgeon honoured for saving teammate’s life

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —  St. John Ambulance has honoured Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Andrew Currie, Regional Surgeon Pacific, for his life-saving efforts outside the workplace. He and his Victoria Curling Club teammate Doug Butler are the latest St. John Ambulance Life-Saving Award recipients. The awards were presented to LCol Currie and retired paramedic Butler during a ceremony […]

(Left) Paul Addison, Victoria Curling Club President, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Currie, Canadian Forces Health Services Pacific Region Surgeon, Paul Rober, Sportsman League President, Keith North, Doug Butler, E. David Hodgins and Ross Nichols, St. John Ambulance members, and James Keogh, Victoria Curling Club General Manager, gather for the award presentation at the Victoria Curling Club, Dec. 16, 2023. Photo: Don Allan

Un chirurgien de la région du Pacifique honoré pour avoir sauvé la vie d’un coéquipier

Peter Mallett, Rédacteur — L’Ambulance Saint-Jean a rendu hommage au lieutenant-colonel Andrew Currie, chirurgien régional du Pacifique, pour les efforts qu’il a déployés en dehors de son lieu de travail afin de sauver des vies. Lui et son coéquipier du Victoria Curling Club, Doug Butler, […]