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Lookout Newspaper, January 15 2024

Volume 69, Issue 2, January 15, 2024

This week #LookoutNavyNews brings news of inventions and joy across all corners of the fleet. Read the full edition!

Sécurité en saison glissante 

Sécurité en saison glissante 

NCdt Dylan MooreTEME — Alors que la saison hivernale bat son plein et que le mauvais temps menace, la section des véhicules spéciaux (VSP), qui travaille d’arrache-pied, se prépare avec diligence, commande du matériel et élabore des plans robustes pour assurer la sécurité du personnel militaire et civil qui se rend à la BFC Esquimalt […]

<strong>Slippery season safety </strong>

Slippery season safety 

TEME — As the winter season is now in full swing and inclement weather looms, our hard-working section at Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) has been diligently preparing, ordering materials, and making robust plans to ensure the safety of military personnel and civilians alike as they make their commute to and around CFB Esquimalt. During the […]