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"The Long Reach: The Royal Canadian Navy's role in the Korean War" exhibit is currently on display at the HMCS Alberni Museum and Memorial. Photos supplied

Korean War exhibit pays tribute to HMCS Iroquois

The HMCS Alberni Museum & Memorial (HAMM) in Courtenay marks the 70th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Navy’s involvement in the Korean War with a new exhibit. The combat phase of the Korean War ended 70 years ago, on July 27, 1953, with the signing of the armistice. It began on June 25, 1950, when North Korean Armed Forces invaded South Korea. More than 26,000 members of Canada’s military participated in the United Nations force, with 1,200 wounded and 516 paying the ultimate price.

<strong>Starting the next deployment on the right note</strong>

Starting the next deployment on the right note

Peter MallettStaff Writer The halls of HMCS Ottawa will soon come alive with the sound of music. The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) warship and crew are alongside in Dockyard these days, making final preparations for their Indo-Pacific deployment Operation (Op) Horizon later this summer. As the crew stores the vessel with provisions, two of the […]

<strong>La formation à la réanimation cardio-pulmonaire doit faire l'objet d'une attention particulière, selon le NESOP</strong>

La formation à la réanimation cardio-pulmonaire doit faire l’objet d’une attention particulière, selon le NESOP

Peter MallettRédacteur du Lookout Lorsqu’un membre du NCSM Vancouver a vu son ami en situation d’urgence médicale en décembre 2021, sa formation militaire s’est mise en branle. Un an plus tard, le matelot de première classe (Mat1) Charles Tucker a reçu une mention élogieuse du chef d’état-major de la Défense et un prix du lien […]