All Entries in the "Top Stories" Category
Did you say RRSP?
Shannon Childs, PFP®, Personal Financial Planner, SISIP Financial — January always seems to be a buzz with talk of Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and income tax; you hear about it on the news, at the dinner table and at work and of course, at your local SISIP Financial office, it is no different! Make your […]
HMCS Ottawa Honours Canadian War Heroin Onagawa, Japan
Defence Stories, — Members of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Ottawa, currently deployed on Operation Horizon, participated in a special ceremony in Onagawa, Japan, on Nov. 26, honouring a Canadian war hero. Lieutenant (Lt) Robert Hampton Gray, a Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve Pilot, received the Victoria Cross as a result of his actions and […]
Le NCSM Ottawa rend hommage à un héros de guerre canadien à Onagawa, au Japon
Histoires de défense, — Les membres du Navire Canadien de Sa Majesté (NCSM) Ottawa, actuellement déployé dans le cadre de l’opération Horizon, ont participé à une cérémonie spéciale à Onagawa, au Japon, le 26 novembre, pour rendre hommage à un héros de guerre canadien. Le lieutenant (lt) Robert Hampton Gray, pilote de réserve volontaire de […]