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Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association volunteer Derrill Henderson points to the “HK” marker being added to gravestones across Canada, including that of John Levitt, a member of 1st Battalion, The Royal Rifles of Canada Canadian Active Service Force (CASF); in Trenholm, Que.

Marquer la mémoire des anciens combattants de Hong Kong

Ens 2 Taylor Rhuland  —  À l’approche du jour du Souvenir, les Canadiens se préparent à rendre hommage à ceux qui ont servi, y compris les héros souvent oubliés de la bataille de Hong Kong pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le voyage de la Force C a commencé le 27 octobre 1941, lorsque les troupes […]

Mr. Jay Hammond recieves a set of wings created using the aluminum of his uncle's recovered Halifax bomber during a Commendation Presentation at 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron on Oct. 18. Photo: Sailor 3rd Class Jordan Schilstra, MARPAC Imaging Services

A Hero Gets His Wings

Paul Dagonese, Lookout Writer  —  As the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) marks its Centennial year, two exceptional Canadians were celebrated for their significant contributions to Canada’s military history. In a ceremony on Oct. 18 at 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron in North Saanich, Jay Hammond and Maureen Thom were recognized for their dedication over the past […]

Mr. Jay Hammond recieves a set of wings created using the aluminum of his uncle's recovered Halifax bomber during a Commendation Presentation at 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron on Oct. 18. Photo: Sailor 3rd Class Jordan Schilstra, MARPAC Imaging Services

Un héros prend ses ailes

Paul Dagonese, Rédacteur du Lookout — À l’occasion du centenaire de l’Aviation royale canadienne (ARC), deux Canadiens exceptionnels ont été honorés pour leur importante contribution à l’histoire militaire du Canada. Lors d’une cérémonie qui s’est déroulée le 18 octobre au 443e Escadron d’hélicoptères maritimes à North Saanich, Jay Hammond et Maureen Thom ont été […]