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Reducing stigma and saving lives through addiction awareness and training

Reducing stigma and saving lives through addiction awareness and training

Paul Dagones, Lookout Staff — Every day people in British Columbia lose their lives to an overdose. National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW), held annually during the third week of November, confronts this crisis by building awareness and promoting practical solutions. Led by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), NAAW workshops […]

Réduire la stigmatisation et sauver des vies grâce à la sensibilisation et à la formation aux addictions

Réduire la stigmatisation et sauver des vies grâce à la sensibilisation et à la formation aux addictions

Paul Dagones, Personnel de la vigie — Chaque jour, des personnes perdent la vie en Colombie-Britannique à cause d’une overdose. La Semaine nationale de sensibilisation aux addictions (SNSA), qui se tient chaque année pendant la troisième semaine de novembre, s’attaque […]

The reason for the season. Food donations for Rainbow Kitchen fill the trunk at the event. CFB Esquimalt’s first Holiday Shop & Sip hosted at the Chief & POs’ mess on Dec. 1.

Showcasing local talents at first Holiday Shop & Sip

Lookout Staff  —  The first annual Holiday Shop & Sip event hosted by the Chief & POs’ Mess and Lookout Newspaper debuted on Sunday, Dec. 1. Bringing together the extended Defence community and local artisans, the holiday market was a dashing success. Showcasing talents including woodwork, baking, preserving, crafting, leatherwork, art, photography, soap-making, stained glass, […]