All Entries in the "Top Stories" Category
Exploring Economic Abuse: Recognizing the Signs and Available Resources
This resource provides information and guidance to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and their families on recognizing and addressing economic abuse. Exploring the topic can be highly sensitive and may evoke a range of emotions in some individuals. If you need support, assistance is available to you 24/7 through the Family Information Line. (English and […]
Explorer les abus économiques : Reconnaître les signes et les ressources disponibles
Cette ressource fournit des informations et des conseils aux membres des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) et à leurs familles sur la manière de reconnaître et de traiter la violence économique. L’exploration de ce sujet peut être très délicate et susciter toute une gamme d’émotions chez certaines personnes. Si vous avez besoin d’aide, une assistance est […]
The Bay Street Music Project: Armoury comes alive with the sound of music
Paul Dagonese, Staff Writer, Lookout Newspaper — At noon sharp on Oct. 19, the Bay Street Armoury’s ceiling and walls skirled loud and bright to Highland bagpipes and beats of their drums. From up high in the mezzanine and down below, those attending stopped, watched, and listened as the Pipe Major marched the Pipes and Drums […]