All Entries in the "Top Stories" Category
Strengthening Community Ties
A/SLt Samantha Cortes Munoz, MARPAC Public Affairs — Royal Canadian Navy and Canadian Rangers Unite for Humanitarian Response Exercise The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) teamed up with the 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (4CRPG) last month for a humanitarian training exercise simulating a 7.2 magnitude earthquake north of Port Hardy. The purpose of this exercise, taking […]
Renforcer les liens communautaires
Ens 2 Samantha Cortes Munoz, Affaires publiques des FMAR(P) — La Marine royale canadienne et les Rangers canadiens s’unissent pour un exercice d’intervention humanitaire La Marine royale canadienne (MRC) a fait équipe avec le 4e Groupe de patrouille des Rangers canadiens (4CRPG) le mois dernier pour un exercice de formation humanitaire simulant un tremblement de terre […]
SISIP life insurance, who knew?
Chris Fraser, SISIP Financial Security Advisor, Life Insurance — It’s common knowledge among the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) that members of both the Regular Force and Reservists can get life insurance with SISIP. The policies we offer include features specifically designed for CAF members including the ‘no act of war’ exclusion which most other life insurance […]