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One of four Outboard Engine Diver Boats of Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific) located at the D Jetty. Photo: FDU(P)

Nouveaux bateaux pour UPF[P]

Kate Bandura,  Rédactrice en chef de Lookout  —  L’unité de plongée de la flotte (Pacifique) tire le meilleur parti de ses nouveaux navires. Depuis novembre, l’unité attend quatre bateaux de plongée à moteur hors-bord (OEDB), qui ont remplacé les bateaux pneumatiques à coque rigide (RHIB) existants. Le quartier-maître de 1re classe Benoît Léonard, chef de […]

(Left) Brian Whittaker, King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Pilot 1 and Mooring and Training Officer, and Tansel Erkmen, KHM Pilot 2, view potential landing spots on Y-Jetty from an observation deck aboard HMCS Saskatoon on Feb. 29. The two are civilian employees and members of the Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch Auxiliary Fleet. Photo: Peter Mallett/Lookout Newspaper.

King’s Harbour Master tugging away

  Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —  Tansel Erkmen’s training and certification for his Pilot 2 clearance with King’s Harbour Master (KHM) were conducted with the KHM Glendale Tug over four days last week.  The rigorous training involved mastering various maneuvers, such as departing, coming alongside different berths, backing, and driving forward at most of the jetties in […]

(Left) Brian Whittaker, King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Pilot 1 and Mooring and Training Officer, and Tansel Erkmen, KHM Pilot 2, view potential landing spots on Y-Jetty from an observation deck aboard HMCS Saskatoon on Feb. 29. The two are civilian employees and members of the Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch Auxiliary Fleet. Photo: Peter Mallett/Lookout Newspaper.

Capitaine de port de Sa Majesté : travailler sur le sujet

Peter Mallett,  Rédacteur  —  La formation et la certification de Tansel Erkmen en vue de l’obtention de son habilitation de pilote 2 auprès du capitaine de port de Sa Majesté (CPSM) se sont déroulées avec le remorqueur Glendale du CPSM pendant quatre jours la semaine dernière.  La formation rigoureuse a consisté à maîtriser diverses manœuvres, telles que le […]