All Entries in the "Top Stories" Category
Le coin de l’aumônier : Une équipe, une FORCE
Aumônier Ltv Gregory McMullin, Aumônier de la Réserve, BFC Esquimalt — En tant qu’aumônier de la Force de réserve, lorsque l’occasion m’a été donnée de servir pendant les mois d’été à la BFC Esquimalt, je n’ai pas pu refuser. Après tout, qui ne sauterait pas sur l’occasion de se prélasser dans une région mondialement connue pour […]
Chaplain’s Corner: One Team, One Force
Padre Lt(N) Gregory McMullin, Reserve Chaplain, CFB Esquimalt — As a Chaplain in the Reserve Force, when given the opportunity to serve during the summer months at CFB Esquimalt, I have not been able to refuse. After all, who wouldn’t jump at the chance to bask in an area world-renowned for its breathtaking scenery. Undeniably, there […]
PTSD: Nature and Nurture on Trauma-based Addiction
Thomas Goenczi, Lookout contributor — Addiction born out of trauma is devastating for the psyche. Everyone’s path to addiction is unique. No story is ever the same. Sure, we can concede some generalizations in the form of similar forms of trauma i.e. childhood trauma, sexual abuse, life-threatening illness, natural disasters/major events. However, another piece of the […]