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Ralph Hodgson

First World War Veteran Ralph Hodgson: Inspiring a Generation of War Amputees

War Amps  —  Ralph Hodgson (1895-1948) lived by the motto inscribed on his tombstone: “It’s not what you have lost that counts but what you have.” These words defined his life’s work, as he dedicated himself to ensuring that his fellow war amputee veterans could thrive despite their injuries. Hodgson, a law student when the […]

Ralph Hodgson

Ralph Hodgson, ancien combattant de la Première Guerre mondiale : Inspirer une génération d’amputés de guerre

Les Amputés de guerre  —  Ralph Hodgson (1895-1948) a vécu selon la devise inscrite sur sa tombe : “Ce n’est pas ce que vous avez perdu qui compte, mais ce que vous avez”. Ces mots ont défini l’œuvre de sa vie, puisqu’il s’est consacré à faire en sorte que ses camarades amputés de guerre puissent […]

Economic Abuse

Exploring Economic Abuse: Recognizing the Signs and Available Resources

This resource provides information and guidance to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and their families on recognizing and addressing economic abuse. Exploring the topic can be highly sensitive and may evoke a range of emotions in some individuals. If you need support, assistance is available to you 24/7 through the Family Information Line. (English and […]