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Le détachement Matsqui de la BFC Esquimalt installe une barrière anti-inondation pour protéger un centre de communications essentiel

Le détachement Matsqui de la BFC Esquimalt installe une barrière anti-inondation pour protéger un centre de communications essentiel

Maître de 2e classe L. Chance Sheffield — Le détachement Matsqui (EDM) de la BFC Esquimalt a installé un nouveau système de barrières anti-inondation pour protéger son infrastructure de communication vitale. Cette mesure fait suite à des inondations […]

CFB Esquimalt Detachment Matsqui installs flood barrier to protect critical communications hub

CFB Esquimalt Detachment Matsqui installs flood barrier to protect critical communications hub

Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class L. Chance Sheffield — The CFB Esquimalt Detachment Matsqui (EDM) has installed a new flood barrier system to protect its vital communication infrastructure. This move comes in response to repeated flooding incidents that have threatened […]

Photo: L-R Capt (N) Kooiman – Addiction-free Living / Social and Organizational Wellness / Family Violence Advisory Committee; Capt (N) Roberge – DAGPWD; Capt (N) Patchell – DVMAG / Active Living; RAdm Robinson; Capt (N) Sproule – DTPAO /Mental and Social Wellness; Capt (N) Stefanson – DWAO; Not shown: Capt (N) Whiteside – DIAG / Healthy Nutrition.

The DAG Connection November 2024

Photo: L-R Capt (N) Kooiman – Addiction-free Living / Social and Organizational Wellness / Family Violence Advisory Committee; Capt (N) Roberge – DAGPWD; Capt (N) Patchell – DVMAG / Active Living; RAdm Robinson; Capt (N) Sproule – DTPAO /Mental and Social Wellness; Capt (N) Stefanson – DWAO; Not shown: Capt (N) Whiteside – DIAG / […]