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Une Histoire d'Halloween d'un Lecteur

Une Histoire d’Halloween d’un Lecteur

Ryan Cane  — Je me souviens `de cette nuit d’Halloween en 1965 comme si c’était hier. À l’époque, nous vivions sur une base militaire, perdue au milieu de nulle part. Des rangées de maisons beiges identiques bordaient les rues de la communauté des quartiers familiaux, et les enfants se connaissaient tous par leur prénom. A […]

A Readers Halloween Tale

A Readers Halloween Tale

Ryan Cane  —  I still remember that Halloween night in 1965 as if it were yesterday. We lived on a military base back then, tucked away in the middle of nowhere. Rows of identical beige houses lined the streets in the married quarter’s community, and the kids knew each other by name. My dad was […]

The Ship-to-Shore Industrial Tradeshow brought in vendors from across the country to showcase their products and services on Oct. 8 at the Naden Athletic Centre. Photos: Paul Dagonese, Lookout Newspaper

Ship-to-Shore showcases Tradeshow success!

Paul Dagonese, Staff Writer, Lookout Newspaper  —  The Lookout Newspaper’s Ship-to-Shore Industrial Tradeshow was held on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at the Naden Athletic Centre, an annual event bringing local, military and private sector vendors to CFB Esquimalt for a day of fun and excitement. Robert Adle, a sales manager for Jastram Technologies, was at the tradeshow […]