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Members of CANSUBFOR HQ Det Halifax deliver mail, rations, and personnel to HMC Submarine Windsor in Halifax Harbour, with support from Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel Granville. Photo: Lt(N) Halerewich.

Soutien au service silencieux

Lt(N) Christian Jax,  CANSUBFOR  — Napoléon a dit : “ Les amateurs discutent de tactique, les professionnels discutent de logistique “. Bien que peut-être simpliste, l’idée que l’on ne peut ignorer la logistique qu’à ses risques et périls est largement acceptée.   Petits mais puissants, les sous-marins n’ont pas la place de s’approvisionner en matériel […]

Members of CANSUBFOR HQ Det Halifax deliver mail, rations, and personnel to HMC Submarine Windsor in Halifax Harbour, with support from Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel Granville. Photo: Lt(N) Halerewich.

Supporting the Silent Service

Lt(N) Christian Jax,  CANSUBFOR  —    Napolean famously said, ‘The amateurs discuss tactics; the professionals discuss logistics’. While perhaps simplistic, the view that logistics are ignored only at one’s peril is widely accepted. Small but mighty, submarines do not have the space for additional supplies. They rely on the Canadian Submarine Force (CANSUBFOR) Logistical Department […]

Members of the Base Logistics team gather for a group photograph.

Unsung Logisticians lauded at birthday bash

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —    A rare opportunity to get all Logisticians from CFB Esquimalt under one roof arose on Feb. 1, when members celebrated the 56th birthday of the Royal Canadian Logistics Service (RCLS).   Approximately 250 members of Base Logistics (BLog) filled the Rainbow Room of the Chief and Petty Officers’ Mess to capacity. Heartfelt […]