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The Commissioner of the Canadian Football League Randy Ambrosie and Commodore of Canadian Fleet Pacific David Mazur present the winning team with the Commodore’s Cup during a flag football game held at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt on Aug. 29.

Commodore’s Cup taken by force

Sabastian Robinson, PSP Sports Coordinator  —  The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) took on the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in the third annual Commodore’s Cup flag football game yet at Colville Fields on Aug. 29.    In the closest game since the Cup’s beginning, the Navy took the early lead while the two teams were trading […]

The Commissioner of the Canadian Football League Randy Ambrosie and Commodore of Canadian Fleet Pacific David Mazur present the winning team with the Commodore’s Cup during a flag football game held at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt on Aug. 29.

La Coupe du Commodore remportée par la force

Sabastian Robinson, Coordonnateur des sports des PSP  —  La Marine royale du Canada (MRC) a affronté l’Aviation royale du Canada (ARC) dans le cadre du troisième match annuel de la Coupe du Commodore de flag football, qui s’est déroulé au Colville Fields le 29 août.   Dans le match le plus serré depuis le début de […]

Resiliency within our military families

Resiliency within our military families

Jackie Carlé, Executive Director, Esquimalt MFRC  —  At the Esquimalt Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC), we are honoured to walk alongside military connected families everyday. Our team of staff and volunteers are constantly impressed with the way military families navigate relocations and work-related absences of their military member while still maintaining their mental health and well-being.  […]