All Entries in the "Top Stories" Category

Healthy Relationships Campaign October 21 – November 1, 2024
SISIP Financial — Follow along as we share tips and resources on how to maintain healthy relationships with a focus this year on how to navigate finances in relationships. Managing Finances as a Couple Exploring financial decision-making and resources available to support you. As a couple, it’s important to discuss your finances and how you […]

RCN Welcomes Republic of Korea Navy
Paul Dagonese, Staff Writer, Lookout Newspaper — A Golden Era of Cooperation The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) welcomed the Republic of Korea Navy’s (ROKN) training war ship, ROKS Hansando (ATH-81) to CFB Esquimalt on Tuesday, Oct. 1. To honour the arrival of the ship to the Pacific Coast and mark Korean Armed Forces Day with our […]

La MRC accueille la marine de la République de Corée
Paul Dagonese, Rédacteur en chef, journal Lookout — L’âge d’or de la coopération La Marine royale canadienne (MRC) a accueilli le navire de guerre-école de la Marine de la République de Corée (ROKN), le ROKS Hansando (ATH-81), à la BFC Esquimalt le mardi 1er octobre. Pour souligner l’arrivée du navire sur la côte du Pacifique […]