All Entries in the "Top Stories" Category

PTSD: The cycle of trauma-based addiction
Thomas Goenczi, Lookout contributor — With any pattern of behaviour, there is an identifiable cycle that propels one forward. Sometimes we are acutely aware of this pattern and other times we dwell in dense unconsciousness. Both are equally painful in their own right. What makes addiction out of trauma difficult is that the mind begins to […]

TSPT : Le cycle de l’addiction basée sur le traumatisme
Thomas Goenczi, Collaborateur du Lookout — Dans tout modèle de comportement, il y a un cycle identifiable qui nous fait avancer. Parfois, nous sommes parfaitement conscients de ce schéma, parfois nous vivons dans une profonde inconscience. Les deux sont tout aussi douloureux l’un que l’autre. Ce qui rend difficile la dépendance à la suite d’un traumatisme, […]

The best BCOMD Golf Tournament by “par”!
Lookout Staff — On what seemed like it could’ve been the last warm day in September, golfers, community members, sponsors, and members of CFB Esquimalt gathered at Olympic View Golf Course for the annual Base Commander’s Golf Tournament hosted by Personnel Support Programs Community Recreation. Starting in the chilly early morning, 17 teams of golfers […]