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Sgt (ret’d) Jean-Michel Gagnon, CD

RCN Digital Leadership Series: Sgt (ret’d) Jean-Michel Gagnon, CD

Cdr Fraser Gransden, Director Naval Strategic Management — In this series, we showcase digital leadership across the RCN to illustrate how our enterprise solutions are successfully leveraged for the benefit of our teams. In an appealing career transition, Sergeant (Retired) Jean-Michel ‘JM’ Gagnon, a distinguished veteran with 15 years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces […]

Danielle Yole and Ashley Evans of the MARPAC Health & Wellness Strategy Mental Social Wellness Working Group pose with the newly erected Gratitude Tree at Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton.

La montée de attitude de gratitude à la BFC Esquimalt

Ashley Evans, Officier des communications de la BFC Esquimalt — “Reconnaître le bien que vous avez déjà dans votre vie est le fondement de toute abondance.” ~Eckhart Tolle Gratitude (nom) : qualité d’être reconnaissant ; volonté de montrer sa gratitude et de rendre la gentillesse. La prochaine fois que vous serez au Naden Gym, à la […]

Danielle Yole and Ashley Evans of the MARPAC Health & Wellness Strategy Mental Social Wellness Working Group pose with the newly erected Gratitude Tree at Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton.

The rise of Attitude of Gratitude at CFB Esquimalt

Ashley Evans, CFB Esquimalt Communications Officer — “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” ~Eckhart Tolle Gratitude (noun): The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. The next time you are at the Naden Gym, Venture Galley, or Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape […]