All Entries in the "Top Stories" Category
Sleuthing Commissionaire solves WWI picture puzzle
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — The unsolved riddle of a historic photo, a poignant moment in Dockyard history 110 years ago, mesmerized Commissionaire Gary Restell. The black and white photo was taken on Aug. 23, 1914. It shows a parade of hundreds of young Canadian soldiers and sailors marching up Esquimalt Road, days before some of them departed […]
Battle of Atlantic memorial takes shape
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — The newest Honorary Captain (HCapt(N)) of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) hit the ground running with inspiring projects to honour and celebrate the legacy of RCN sailors. Jeff Topping was appointed HCapt(N) of HMCS Prevost, London, Ont., Naval Reserve Unit (NAVRES), in a March 5 ceremony involving Vice-Admiral (VAdm) Angus Topshee, RCN Commander. Now he […]
Le mémorial de la bataille de l’Atlantique prend forme
Peter Mallett, Rédacteur en chef — Le tout nouveau capitaine de vaisseau honoraire (Capv H) de la Marine royale canadienne (MRC) est entré en action avec des projets inspirants visant à honorer et à célébrer l’héritage des marins de la MRC. Jeff Topping a été nommé Capv H du NCSM Prevost, London (Ontario), unité de la Réserve navale (NAVRES), lors d’une […]