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DND and Babcock crew collected garbage from Inskip Island. L-R: Mel Lacelle (Babcock Canada), Jean-Guy Mayer (POESB Fire Services), Graham Keehn (Babcock Canada), Lieutenant (Navy) Brayden Casper (POESB BaseOps), Chris Davis (Babcock Canada), Kurtis Briggs (Babcock Canada), Kate Bandura (Lookout Newspaper), Christina Pullen (Babcock Canada), Carolina Montes Valenzuela (POESB Auxiliary Fleet), Masha Vasiuta (POESB HQ).

POESB breaks records with Harbour Clean-up for World Ocean’s Day 2024!

Lorraine Crinkley, Branch Environment Officer, Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch – CFB Esquimalt’s Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch (POESB) celebrated World Ocean’s Day on June 5th by completing their annual harbour and shoreline clean-up. POESB teamed up with the Esquimalt Graving Dock, Victoria Shipyards – Seaspan […]

DND and Babcock crew collected garbage from Inskip Island. L-R: Mel Lacelle (Babcock Canada), Jean-Guy Mayer (POESB Fire Services), Graham Keehn (Babcock Canada), Lieutenant (Navy) Brayden Casper (POESB BaseOps), Chris Davis (Babcock Canada), Kurtis Briggs (Babcock Canada), Kate Bandura (Lookout Newspaper), Christina Pullen (Babcock Canada), Carolina Montes Valenzuela (POESB Auxiliary Fleet), Masha Vasiuta (POESB HQ).

La POESB bat des records avec le nettoyage du port pour la Journée mondiale de l’océan 2024 !

Lorraine Crinkley, Responsable de l’environnement, Direction des opérations portuaires et des services d’urgence — La Direction des opérations portuaires et des services d’urgence (POESB) de la BFC Esquimalt a célébré la Journée mondiale de l’océan le 5 juin en effectuant […]

Lieutenant (Navy) Brian Grant along with his spouse Lieutenantt Mireille Grant and their children Henry and Hector all competed in the 2024 Annual Navy Run. Photo: Sergeant Malcolm Byers, MARPAC Imaging Services

Family fun takes centre stage at 2024 Navy Run

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —  The 18th edition of one of the most anticipated events on the CFB Esquimalt social calendar started on June 22 with the traditional starting blast of an army howitzer at the Naden Gates. Runners of all ages and experience levels, and even entire families, had cause for celebration at the finish line of this […]