CFB Esquimalt Change of Command 

Left to right at the table, Incoming Base Commander Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside, CD, Reviewing Officer Rear Admiral Christopher Robinson, CD, and Outgoing Base Commander Jeff Hutchinson, sign the transfer of command papers at the Change of Command Ceremony held at the Base Museum Bldg N-27, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, On July 7th, 2023.<br />
Photo: Cpl Tristan Walach, MARPAC Imaging Services, Esquimalt

Left to right at the table, Incoming Base Commander Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside, CD, Reviewing Officer Rear Admiral Christopher Robinson, CD, and Outgoing Base Commander Jeff Hutchinson, sign the transfer of command papers at the Change of Command Ceremony held at the Base Museum Bldg N-27, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, On July 7th, 2023.
Photo: Cpl Tristan Walach, MARPAC Imaging Services, Esquimalt

Ashley Evans
CFB Esquimalt Communications Officer

On Tuesday, July 4, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt thanked Captain (Navy) (Capt(N)) J. Jeffrey Hutchinson for his dedicated service over the past two years as Base Commander while warmly welcoming Capt(N) Kevin Whiteside as CFB Esquimalt’s 25th Commander.

During his notable tenure, Capt(N) Hutchinson maintained a keen focus on the core-function deliverables of the Base, his primary goal upon commencing his appointment as Base Commander – a focus that he noted only became more necessary as time went by.

“The over-riding rationale for this focus was to ensure the Base’s mandate was strictly defined and enforced with an eye on ensuring that the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) members and Public Servants who form the CFB Esquimalt Defence Team were working to capacity and not beyond,” Capt(N) Hutchinson said.

Capt(N) Hutchinson took command of the Base at a unique time in our history, only sixteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic. The two years that followed were undoubtedly challenging, though rewarding, as the COVID landscape shifted, eventually allowing for a much-welcomed return to deeper involvement between CFB Esquimalt, the Base Commander, and our community.

Outgoing Base Commander, Captain (Navy) Jeff Hutchinson, CD, delivers a special gift to Florence Dick a First Nations member to show our thanks and appreciation for all that they have done for the base, at the Base Museum Bldg N-27, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, on July 7th 2023. Photo: Cpl Tristan Walach, MARPAC Imaging Services, Esquimalt

This community involvement was an aspect of his role that Capt(N) Hutchinson appreciated, and a sentiment he shared with Capt(N) Whiteside before the change of command, “Embrace your role in the community – something I admit I probably underestimated before the change of command – as our successes have a direct relation to the quality of the relationships we build with our neighbours.”

One area Capt(N) Hutchinson was heavily involved in during his time in command was his work with the Canadian Forces Housing Association (CFHA).

“Oddly, what I will be most proud of is something that will not yet be evident to most of the Defence Team,” he stated. That is, “[t]he progresses that have been made with stakeholders to advance on infrastructure issues, especially with CFHA, related to growing the portfolio of military housing units available to CAF families.”

Base Chief Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Alden Darragh (on the left) breaks the Pennant of the incoming Base Commander Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside, CD. To signify the Change of Command from one Base Commander to the next. The flag will be flown each day the Base Commander is on base. The ceremony was held at the Base Museum Bldg N-27, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, On July 7th, 2023. Photo: Cpl Tristan Walach, MARPAC Imaging Services, Esquimalt

Base Chief Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Alden Darragh (on the left) breaks the Pennant of the incoming Base Commander Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside, CD. To signify the Change of Command from one Base Commander to the next. The flag will be flown each day the Base Commander is on base. The ceremony was held at the Base Museum Bldg N-27, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, On July 7th, 2023. Photo: Cpl Tristan Walach, MARPAC Imaging Services, Esquimalt

Capt(N) Hutchinson said that, through this effort and others, an exceptional partnership has been formed with Real Property Operations Unit (Pacific).

“People don’t realize what an outstanding job they do relative to other regions and with the challenges in CFB Esquimalt’s unique real property portfolio,” he said.

“Never allow a perception that something will be extremely difficult deter you from doing what is right and necessary for the well-being of our Defence Team members,” Capt(N) Hutchinson shared, reflecting on his time as Base Commander.

A focus on the Defence Team and community is a sentiment Capt(N) Whiteside holds close and a message he, himself, has received from the outgoing Base Commander.

“Capt(N) Hutchinson’s advice has always been to be myself and prioritize listening and learning so that we, as a team, know where to focus our efforts,” he said. “I am most looking forward to engaging with our teammates throughout the Base and in our local community, and to working together as we continue to improve the CAF’s culture and reputation as a valuable employer with a diverse, inclusive, and respectful workforce.”

Following two years serving as Commanding Officer of HMCS Vancouver – including a recent deployment to the Indo-Pacific in support of Operations Projection and Neon – Capt(N) Kevin Whiteside brings a host of experience, which has readied him to take on this new role.

“After years at sea, it is an incredible honour to join the greater defence community ashore as part of such a great team – a team that has been critical to the success of our Navy for so many years,” he said.

Capt(N) Whiteside, his wife Lesley, and their three children, Liam, Laurel, and Norah, have been active members of the Greater Victoria area for years and look forward to furthering their reach and involvement while continuing to contribute to their community during this next chapter.

“I have much to learn from Capt(N) Hutchinson, as well as from all members of the local community as I transition into this role,” Capt(N) Whiteside said. “I have served with Capt(N) Hutchinson at various stages in my career and consider him a close friend and mentor. I look forward to continuing his hard work as we lead the Base and our military and civilian teammates through the present and future needs of our service and of our local community.”

We bid farewell while thanking Capt(N) Hutchinson for his dedicated service as Commander CFB Esquimalt over the past two years. Fair Winds and Following Seas.

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