Devoted WENGTECH crowned Sailor of the Year

S1 Marianne Mojica

S1 Marianne Mojica

Peter Mallett
Staff Writer

An HMCS Regina sailor says her passion for life and career is the reason behind her recent Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) Sailor of the Year award.

S1 Marianne Mojica, a Weapons Engineering Technician, said the award came as a complete surprise, partially because she joined the navy less than three years ago, and because she has yet to be deployed.

It was presented by Cdr Landon Creasy, Regina’s Commanding Officer, and Geraldine Hinton of the British Columbia Government House Foundation on June 21. Also in attendance was CPO1 Carl Dixon, Regina’s Coxswain.

“S1 Mojica is one of the hardest working people I have ever met; she does her work with devotion and eagerness,” says CPO1 Dixon.

The 27-year-old sailor joined the Canadian Armed Forces in January 2019. She was already technically adept with a background in electromechanical and mechanical engineering, and had previously worked at Chrysler’s casting plant near her hometown of Toronto, as well as Weston Foods, Magna Corporation, and Toyota/Lexus motors. But, she says, the work wasn’t fulfilling.

“I think at a certain point in everyone’s life, you want a refreshing change and this was my ticket to a new adventure and new chapter in my life,” she says.

After joining the navy she began work in Regina’s Combat Systems Engineering department, just the change she was looking for.

“I truly do enjoy it. The test of life is to adapt, to overcome, and expect the unexpected,” she says.

Besides her regular job, she is the editor of the ship’s newsletter, the Canteen manager, the Junior Ranks Mess Coordinator, and a bartender. She is also the ship’s representative for the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign and participated in fundraising for Operation Freedom Paws Canada.

If that wasn’t enough, S1 Mojica is also a talented tenor saxophonist and member of the ship’s unofficial three-person band. She, along with baritone saxophonist MS Justin Grant and violinist S2 Bellosillo, make up the 3 Deck Band and entertain their shipmates with musical serenades at special events or in the junior ranks mess.

S1 Mojica also paints and recently adorned the walls of the junior ranks’ galley with skylines of cities the ship has visited in recent years.

Sailor of the Year is chosen by Pacific Fleet leadership based on job performance, community service, dress, and deportment.

Along with her award, S1 Mojica received a promotion, a certificate, a commendation pin, $200 cash, a clock with a Sailor of the Year engraved plaque, and a parking space in dockyard. 

“The best award you can receive or give is fulfilling a life of purpose,” she says. “Don’t strive to just exist and survive, live the life that makes you truly happy.”

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  1. Pwbn ret. Phil richmond says:

    Congrats keep up the great work and attitude the rcn needs more members like you

  2. R. W.JOHNSON C1SN Ret. says:

    Congratulations on your award. B Z Smooth Sailing through your career. Keep up the excellent work. There needs to be more role models like. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

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