Happy holidays from the Base Command
By Lookout on Dec 15, 2021 with Comments 0
Valued Defence Team members,
The holiday season is upon us and we hope it finds you filled with cheer and celebration, generosity and joy.
It has been another difficult, unusual year as we continued to grapple with a pandemic that has touched every part of our lives and every corner of the globe. Together we have faced many challenges, both personal and professional, and we know weathering these storms has not been easy for many.
Your resiliency and dedication as members of the Defence Team of CFB Esquimalt amaze and inspire us. They are among the many reasons why it is an honour to serve you as Base Commander and Base Chief Petty Officer.
We see how hard all of you work every day to keep the Base running and we deeply appreciate it. Your efforts not only helped us fulfil our motto of ‘Support for All’ but directly contributed to aiding the Fleet in efforts ranging from HMCS Calgary’s deployment on Operations Projection and Artemis; HMC Ships Brandon and Saskatoon who deployed in support of Operation Caribbe; and HMCS Winnipeg, returning home later this week after deploying on Operations Neon and Projection.
Your hard work also enabled the Base to support Operation Lentus as teams aided in forest fire and flood responses right here at home and across the Province.
We would also like to particularly acknowledge our teammates who maintained the Base’s core functions in-person throughout 2021 and during the holiday season including: the doctors, nurses, and staff of Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Pacific); the Commissionaires; Military Police Unit (Esquimalt); the Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch, Base Foods staff; and everyone else who performs those vital duties that allowed the Base to deliver critical support to the RCN and JTFP. Thank you, your contributions do not go unnoticed.
As we move into our holiday leave period, we urge everyone to spend some quality time with family and friends. Look after yourself, take time to rest and recharge; and take care of each other – check in with your colleagues and shipmates.
Whatever holiday you celebrate, in whichever way you choose, to all of you from our families to yours, have a Happy Holiday and a safe and bright New Year.
Yours Aye,
Capt(N) Jeff Hutchinson, Base Commander
CPO1 Al Darragh, Base Chief Petty Officer
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