HMCS Vancouver gives to kids in Hong Kong

HMCS Vancouver Commanding Officer, Commander Christopher Nucci, Coxswain Chief Petty Officer First Class Steve Wist and members of the ship’s company present Kids4Kids with a donation of $2,500, made possible by Boomer’s Legacy. Photo by MCpl Brent Kenny, MARPAC Imaging Services

HMCS Vancouver Commanding Officer, Commander Christopher Nucci, Coxswain Chief Petty Officer First Class Steve Wist and members of the ship’s company present Kids4Kids with a donation of $2,500, made possible by Boomer’s Legacy. Photo by MCpl Brent Kenny, MARPAC Imaging Services

SLt Jordan Bornholdt, HMCS Vancouver ~

One of HMCS Vancouver’s objectives while deployed on Operation Projection is to contribute to outreach activities coordinated through organizations that empower children to make positive change in their community.

During the ship’s port visit in Hong Kong, Vancouver was proud to make a donation to Kids4Kids, a non-profit organization that supports literacy development and youth empowerment. Kids4Kids has partnered with over 65 schools, 40 charity organizations, and has involved over 15,500 students.

Vancouver’s contribution to Kids4Kids objectives was made possible by the Boomer’s Legacy Fund. Named after Corporal Andrew “Boomer” Eykelenboom, who was tragically killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan, the fund helps men and women in uniform have a positive impact on the communities they visit while deployed. The money provided by Boomer’s Legacy Fund helps ensure that Andrew’s humanitarian spirit lives on.

Vancouver was proud to emulate Andrew’s example by creating a positive legacy with Kids4Kids in Hong Kong.

While onboard to receive their donation, children and staff from Kids4Kids were given a tour of the ship with displays from the Naval Boarding Party, Ship’s Dive Team, and the Damage Control Organization.

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